KeyID 7BCF9C30 D4B8CD17 - 0xD4B8CD17 Arne Schwabe Biglumber Listing Note: Key signature counts and lists are from a pruned list that only includes keys with signatures other than their own. Signatures to this key: 8CEEB259 B3C281F4 - 0xB3C281F4 Alain Schroeder 1DBD5E75 8399E1BB - 0x8399E1BB Jan-Benedict Glaw 28DDB0FD 19C9B6BA - 0x19C9B6BA Maximilian Wilhelm EF653E8D 5AF4C462 - 0x5AF4C462 Cord Beermann Total: 4 signatures to this id from this set Signatures from this key: 8CEEB259 B3C281F4 - 0xB3C281F4 Alain Schroeder EF653E8D 5AF4C462 - 0x5AF4C462 Cord Beermann 1DBD5E75 8399E1BB - 0x8399E1BB Jan-Benedict Glaw 28DDB0FD 19C9B6BA - 0x19C9B6BA Maximilian Wilhelm Total: 4 signatures from this id to this set, 0 non-reciprocal signatures This key is in the strong set. Mean distance to this key from strong set: 1.8696 Breakout by hop count (only from strong set): 0 hops: 1 1 hops: 4 2 hops: 18 3 hops: 1 Farthest keys (3 hops): BFF197BE F058AF8E - 0xF058AF8E Martin Herweg