Wer faehrt mit?

Kurt Gramlich Kurt.Gramlich at vhs-ravensberg.de
Fri Jan 17 18:38:02 CET 2003

hallo Schul Tuxe

unsere norwegische Freunde schreiben:

The Skolelinux project is planning a development gathering in
Oslo 31. january to 2. february.  Any of our international
friends which would like to participate?  If you want to
participate, check the price of transport let us know.  The
project might be able to sponsor your travel to join us.

The focus of the gathering is further development and
translation of Skolelinux.

wer kann sich eine Reise nach Norwegen ernsthaft vorstellen?

Mit freundlichem Gruss
Kurt Gramlich

Kurt Gramlich    kurt.gramlich at vhs-ravensberg.de
Tel 05201-810927    http://www.vhs-ravensberg.de
Alt! Besuchen Sie: http://www.computerinfotag.de

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