[LV] The kernel build process & tools any changes .

Mr. James W. Laferriere babydr at baby-dragons.com
Fri Apr 13 05:45:55 CEST 2007

 	Hello Jan-Benedict ,

On Thu, 12 Apr 2007 07:32:54 +0200, Jan-Benedict Glaw <jbglaw at lug-owl.de> Wrote:
> On Wed, 2007-04-11 17:47:49 -0700, Mr. James W. Laferriere 
> <babydr at baby-dragons.com> wrote:
> >       Hello All ,  Is anybody in there ?  16 days of silence ,  while not too
> > much for this list ,  is still a quite a bit of it .
> >       Does this mean I can or need to do another git pull ?
> >       I'd really rather not do a pull & find I have to push the patches I am
> > trying to create for the ka670 cpu back into what I just pulled if I don't 
> have
> > to .
> I got a bit ill in between... The patches aren't yet merged (I'm
> sorry, really!), but a simple pull will always work.
 	Sorry to hear about you being ill .  I hope you are on the mend .
 	Not to worried about the patches .  Tho would have been nice .

> However, it makes a difference if you've locally checked-in your
> changes. You can (and you should) do that, preferrably on a topic
> branch. Branches in GIT are cheap and a real pleasure to work with.
 	Hmm ,  Thank you .  Didn't even think about local check in .

> As a side note, the NetBSD guys did some great work during the last
> weeks. They worked on the compiler to be able to create PIC code
> again. Needed for shared libs.  They also updated the whole VAX
> backend and technically, it's now mostly up-to-date with all new and
> fancy stuff that had been done to the major targets during the last
> years of development. Only CC0 conversion still is to be done...
> MfG, JBG
 	Now that sounds like excellent news .  One I hope it make your job 
easier to do .

 	My biggest problem is the ka670.c kernel is just puking with a (*) and 
at this moment I haven't a clue where to go to search out what I can that would 
help me & others find out what I am doing wrong .
 		Tia ,  JimL

>>>boot xqa0:
(BOOT/R5:0 XQA0:)


         PC = 80000011

(* the whole thing) .
| James   W.   Laferriere | System   Techniques | Give me VMS     |
| Network        Engineer | 663  Beaumont  Blvd |  Give me Linux  |
| babydr at baby-dragons.com | Pacifica, CA. 94044 |   only  on  AXP |
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