[LV] The kernel build process & tools any changes .

Jan-Benedict Glaw jbglaw at lug-owl.de
Sun Mar 18 09:50:39 CET 2007

On Sun, 2007-03-18 00:34:33 -0700, Mr. James W. Laferriere <babydr at baby-dragons.com> wrote:
>  	Well more on this portion .
>  	I've found the SID & (what I think is the )SIE on my ka670 system .

SID (System ID) is a CPU thing and read out of a CPU register (Nr. 62
or 0x3E in hex). This basically tells you something about the physical
CPU implementation.

>  	The SIE is defined in Register 20040004 , so doing a Examine on that 
> memory point should give me the SIE .

SIE is the Extended System ID "register". It's a longword quite at the
start of the system ROM. It tells you something about the surrounding
machine. Thus, it's a different value.

>  	OK ,  I have put them in include/asm-vax/vaxcpu.h ,  Does this look 
> correct ?
> #define VAX_CPU_670     0x0B000006      /* VAXserver 4000-500 (KA670-A) */
>  	That would make the ka670 (REX520 chip) a RIGEL based vax .  At least 
> I think the Chip series table is Decimal .  Otherwise the VAX_SOC at 20 doesn't 
> match its SID of 0x14000006 .
>  	Are my assumptions correct ?  Heck even close ?
>  		Rsvp ,  JimL
>  	Exmaine the SIE Register .
> >>>E 20040004
>    P 20040004 01370401
>  	Dump the CPU Registers .  That s/b the SID .................+
> >>>t 9c								   vvv
>    SBR=07FB8000    SLR=00002021  SAVPC=80000011 SAVPSL=80404174    SCBB=20052A00
>   P0BR=80000000   P0LR=00100A80   P1BR=00800000   P1LR=00600000     SID=0B000006 <<<

The MSB of the SID tells you something about the CPU. 0x0B = 11 tells
you that it's a Riegel CPU (if our vaxcpu.h is correct:-)

The next step would be to wire up another CPU file in
./arch/vax/kernel. cpu_ka660.c is probably a good start. That file
will need a reference in arch/vax/Kconfig, as well as

The final step is to place a is_ka670() macro in include/asm-vax/mv.h
and an external definition for your new mv_ka670 (defined in

This mv_ka670 contains some pointers to initialize parts of the
hardware. Don't forget the special magic struct cpu_match! That's the
point where your CPU/chassis is actually detected. It contains the SID
and Extended SID (what the VAX Architecture Reference Manual refers to
as SYS_TYPE, NetBSD as SIE and we as SIDEX) as well as bitmasks which
describe which SID/SIDEX bits to match against which values. If this
matches, the supplied struct mv is choosen to be correct for this very


      Jan-Benedict Glaw      jbglaw at lug-owl.de              +49-172-7608481
 Signature of:                            If it doesn't work, force it.
 the second  :                   If it breaks, it needed replacing anyway.
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