[LV] Now for some more noise , ok any noise ...

Mr. James W. Laferriere babydr at baby-dragons.com
Mon Sep 1 05:41:34 CEST 2008

 	Hello Maciej .

On Mon, 1 Sep 2008, Maciej W. Rozycki wrote:
> On Sun, 31 Aug 2008, Mr. James W. Laferriere wrote:
>>  	Hello All ,  My Micro Vax 4000 (QBUS) just arrived in town .  So
>> hopefully at least someone (me) will be putting a biot more noise onto the list
>> over the next few months .
> Great! :)
 	Thank you ... :)  They need a sarcastic bowing winky .

>>  	Before I do tho ,  Is there any Good or Bad news to share ?
> I am still around.  Not sure whether that is good news or bad news
> though... ;)
 	Imo ,  It is ;-) .

> My tentative plan is to go ahead with some VAX/Linux work once I am
> finished with the 53C94/53CF96-2 driver.  This has been stalled for
> several months now and meanwhile the time subsystem got completely broken
> for the DECstation, so I suppose I need to fix that first.  We shall
> see...
 	Very cool .  Sorry to hear that .  I'll bet you'll have those done 
before I get this silly ka660 booting ...

> Do you have any specific areas you plan to work on?
 	I had been trying to get the Ka660 to boot .  I added some things to the 
tree ,  I believe Jan-Benedict put those changes in sometime ago ,  to attempt 
to get the ka660 booting ,  But I've been getting a (*) error .  And the 
"EK-KA660-TM-001 KA660 CPU Module Technical Manual" which is available online 
doesn't have any of the Appendices .
 	The ka650 I have was able to boot & mount a nfs home directory .  But 
it's still in storage until I can get my house built .  Just not enough power 
here where I am renting .

 		Twyl ,  JimL
>>>boot xqa0
(BOOT/R5:0 XQA0)


         PC = 80000011

| James   W.   Laferriere | System    Techniques | Give me VMS     |
| Network&System Engineer | 2133    McCullam Ave |  Give me Linux  |
| babydr at baby-dragons.com | Fairbanks, AK. 99701 |   only  on  AXP |
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