[LV] VAX/Linux package bugfix updates

Jan-Benedict Glaw jbglaw at lug-owl.de
Tue Dec 29 12:39:33 CET 2009

On Mon, 2009-12-28 00:06:40 +0000, Maciej W. Rozycki <macro at linux-mips.org> wrote:
>  I have made progress on the GCC front -- the following components have 
> been ported: GNAT (the Ada-95 compiler), FFI (the Foreign Function 
> Interface library) and Boehm-GC (the Boehm Garbage Collector component).  

I just got Internet today! Well, "reasonable" internet...

>  I'm currently working on the Java Classpath library; unfortunately, due 
> to the difference between the floating-point format supported by VAX 
> hardware and the IEEE-754 floating-point standard implied by Java, the 
> library is going to be non-standard.  I'm currently investigating whether 
> it's reasonably feasible to correctly support IEEE-754 floating-point 
> literals in Java bytecode interpreted by GIJ running on VAX (as long as 
> they fall within the range supported by hardware) and only emit 
> floating-point literals in the native format for native binaries.  Any 
> suggestions are welcome.

Java? On a VAX? *cough* that absolutely made my day!  I hope to get up
all the networking stuff within one or two weeks, then I can switch on
again the testing machines (GCC auto-builder/regtester, SIMH etc.)

Happy New Year, JBG

      Jan-Benedict Glaw      jbglaw at lug-owl.de              +49-172-7608481
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