[LV] Fully-functional port of glibc available for VAX/Linux

Jan-Benedict Glaw jbglaw at lug-owl.de
Sun Nov 15 01:51:38 CET 2009

On Sat, 2009-11-14 13:19:10 -0900, Mr. James W. Laferriere <babydr at baby-dragons.com> wrote:
>  	It will be a few days before I can get that beast on the floor from the 
> attic ,   But it'll get there .  Btw ,  it's -12F in there .  That's my main 
> reason for waiting .  Supposed to warm up in a few days .

Thats a good reason to boot up more VAXen.

Just for the records, I'm currently busy with moving to a new city
(well, you probably wouldn't even call it a "village" or "suburb"...),
but a largeish cellar is planned for machines.

With Maciejs great work, I hope we can start setting up an autobuilder
some time soon. (Some 4000/60, /90, /90A and one /96 are available.)
With http://meeting.ffis.de/devel.html in mind, maybe we'd meet up


      Jan-Benedict Glaw      jbglaw at lug-owl.de              +49-172-7608481
Signature of:               The real problem with C++ for kernel modules is:
the second  :                                 the language just sucks.
                                                   -- Linus Torvalds
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