GCC: sarray.h, 1.3 -> 1.4

Jan-Benedict Glaw jbglaw at dvmwest.gt.owl.de
Sat Aug 14 11:27:50 CEST 2004

Update of /mnt/vax-development/CVS_Repository/gcc/libobjc/objc
In directory mail:/mnt/vax-development/local_work/work-jbglaw/local-cvs/gcc/libobjc/objc

Modified Files:
Log Message:
- - - -- -- A U T O M A T I C   C H E C K I N -- -- - - -
	2004-08-13  Ziemowit Laski  <zlaski at apple.com>
	* objc/sarray.h: Hoist include of assert.h near the top of file,
	and mark the remainder of the file 'extern "C"'.

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