How to do source management?

Jan-Benedict Glaw jbglaw at
Wed Jul 28 21:56:02 CEST 2004


As you all already know from my previous email to you, I'm about to
import toolchain's sources. Before that, I'd like to discuss the "how".

Please choose your weapons:

	[ ] CVS
	[ ] Arch
	[ ] Subversion
	[ ] Other: _____________


	[ ] Just patch sources with whatever is mentioned in upstream
	    CVS status emails and check it in onto HEAD.
	[ ] Import patches into a separate upstream branch.
	[ ] Import snapshots into a separate upstream branch

and ammunition:

	[ ] Import binutils, gcc and glibc into three modules reflecting
	    the three upstream modules. Con: IMHO hard to build, at
	    least I need to figure out how to do that at all:)
	[ ] Import binutils+gcc as a combined tree; most probably that
	    would make some sense if we used upstream snapshots then.
	    Pro: easy to build; Con: glibc is "extra" then.
	[ ] Other: _________


Jan-Benedict Glaw       jbglaw at    . +49-172-7608481             _ O _
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