Slow progress...

Jan-Benedict Glaw jbglaw at
Wed Aug 11 16:30:55 CEST 2004


Well, the machine backing had just been upgraded (P2-300 ->
Dual P3-500, 256MB -> 512MB RAM, another HDD) and so I've started
playin' around with sources.

I've checked in binutils, gcc and glibc (separately: I decided agains
having a checked-in unified tree). Additionally, I spool the check-in
mails generated by the FSF's CVS servers and wrote a script to parse
those (to automatically check in those changes into my CVS repos).
Currently, I'm calling this script manually (I've yet to face the case
where a directory is added...), but I, um, seems to work at least for
the trivial cases (changed file and addid file into existing directory).

The CVS server already emits emails to me, so I'll add another mailing
list BUT NOT PUT YOU ONTO THAT RIGHT NOW. I'll add that in a minute, but
please subscript on your own. However, I'll *invite* you all to that

The next part will be to prepare accounts for you...


Jan-Benedict Glaw       jbglaw at    . +49-172-7608481             _ O _
"Eine Freie Meinung in  einem Freien Kopf    | Gegen Zensur | Gegen Krieg  _ _ O
 fuer einen Freien Staat voll Freier Bürger" | im Internet! |   im Irak!   O O O
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