GNoDS - wieso nicht?

Cord Beermann cord at
Wed Aug 25 12:59:01 CEST 1999

Hallo! Du (Florian Lohoff) hast geschrieben:

>PS: Schon mal jemand Microsoft verklagt weil Windows nicht mehr bootet ?

Hier diverse Zitate eines nicht ganz unbekannten Inhabers einer Fa. in

The new version - it's not there to fix bugs. That's not the reason we come
up with a new version.
        -- Bill Gates in German weekly magazine FOCUS

There are no significant bugs in our released software that any significant
number of users want fixed.
        -- Bill Gates in German weekly magazine FOCUS

If you really think there's a bug you should report a bug.  Maybe you're not
using it properly. Have you ever considered that?
        -- Bill Gates in German weekly magazine FOCUS

The reason we come up with new versions is not to fix bugs. It's absolutely
not. It's the stupidest reason to buy a new version I ever heard.
        -- Bill Gates in German weekly magazine FOCUS

When we do a new version we put in lots of new things that people are asking
for. And so, in no sense, is stability a reason to move to a new version.
It's never a reason.
        -- Bill Gates in German weekly magazine FOCUS

--> Klage wird abgewiesen. Standardargumente.


Cord Beermann
cord at IRC: Cord at Wunder-Nett
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