lilo + win auf 2. Platte

Florian Lohoff flo at
Thu Nov 25 16:00:29 CET 1999

On Thu, Nov 25, 1999 at 03:54:00PM +0100, Andre Landwehr wrote:
> Hi,
> folgendes Problem wird grade an mich herangetragen:
> Ein Rechner mit zwei IDE Platten soll so konfiguriert werden, daß Linux auf
> der ersten und Windows 98 auf der zweiten läuft. Bootmanager ist lilo.
> Offenbar weigert sich Windows aber beharrlich zu booten wenn es nicht auf der
> ersten Platte liegt. Es gibt da irgendeinen Trick in der lilo Konfiguration,
> um Windows vorzulügen, daß es auf der ersten Platte ist. Wer hilft mir da mal
> auf die Sprünge?

Interrupts tauschen lassen (0x80 vs 0x81) ....

Bei debian zless /usr/doc/lilo/Manual.txt.gz

  MAP-DRIVE=<bios_device_code>  Instructs chain.b to installs a resident 
    driver that re-maps the floppy or hard disk drives. This way, one can 
    boot any operating system from a hard disk different from the first 
    one, as long as that operating system uses _only_ the BIOS to access 
    that hard disk.* This is known to work for PC/MS-DOS.

      *  So you should be very suspicious if the operating system requires 
        any specific configuration or even drivers to use the disk it is 
        booted from. Since there is a general trend to use optimized 
        drivers to fully exploit the hardware capabilities (e.g. 
        non-blocking disk access), booting systems from the second disk may 
        become increasingly difficult.

     MAP-DRIVE is followed by the variable TO=<bios_device_code> which 
    specifies the drive that should effectively be accessed instead of the 
    original one. The list of mappings is only searched until the first 
    match is found. It is therefore possible to "swap" drives, see the 
    second example below. 

Florian Lohoff		flo at		      	+49-5241-470566
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