Peter Lohmann lohmann at
Wed Aug 23 16:55:39 CEST 2000

Aus der SSH-Manpage:

     If a pseudo-terminal has been allocated (normal login session), the user
     can disconnect with ~., and suspend ssh with ~^Z. All forwarded connec­
     tions can be listed with ~# and if the session blocks waiting for for­
     warded X11 or TCP/IP connections to terminate, it can be backgrounded
     with ~& (this should not be used while the user shell is active, as it
     can cause the shell to hang).  All available escapes can be listed with
     A single tilde character can be sent as ~~ (or by following the tilde by
     a character other than those described above).  The escape character must
     always follow a newline to be interpreted as special.  The escape charac­
     ter can be changed in configuration files or on the command line. 

Wieso wird bei mir direkt ne Tilde gesendet?



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