pop3-polling ms exchange server

Florian Lohoff flo at rfc822.org
Wed May 24 19:30:31 CEST 2000

On Wed, May 24, 2000 at 06:59:52PM +0200, Holtmann, Dirk wrote:

> das abholen vom isp per fetchmail ist kein problem, aber wie bekomme ich es
> hin, dass fetchmail die mails nicht lokal ablegt sondern an exchange
> weiterleitet???
> den weg von exchange über den linux pc an den isp habe ich noch nicht in
> angriff genommen.

root at ping:~# apt-get install fetchmail; man fetchmail ; dpkg --purge fetchmail

       As each message is retrieved fetchmail  normally  delivers
       it  via  SMTP  to  port 25 on the machine it is running on
       (localhost), just as though it were being passed in over a
       normal  TCP/IP  link.   The  mail  will  then be delivered
       locally via your system's MDA (Mail Delivery  Agent,  usu­
       ally  sendmail(8)  but your system may use a different one
       such as smail, mmdf, exim, or qmail).  All  the  delivery-
       control  mechanisms  (such  as  .forward  files)  normally
       available through  your  system  MDA  and  local  delivery
       agents will therefore work.

   Delivery Control Options
       -S <hosts>, --smtphost <hosts>
              (Keyword:  smtp[host]) Specify a hunt list of hosts
              to forward mail to (one or more  hostnames,  comma-

Wer lesen kann ist klar im vorteil

Florian Lohoff		flo at rfc822.org		      	+49-subject-2-change
"Technology is a constant battle between manufacturers producing bigger and
more idiot-proof systems and nature producing bigger and better idiots."

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