Apachelog: Seltsame Referer
Cord Beermann
cord at lug-owl.de
Sat Aug 9 14:56:20 CEST 2003
Hallo! Du (Hauke Joachim Zuehl) hast geschrieben:
> - - [09/Aug/2003:14:25:13 +0200] "GET
>/webalizer/usage_200307.html HTTP/1.0" 401 101
>"http://www.top-penis-enlargement.com/" "Mozilla/4.5 [en] (Win95; I)"
ne neue art von spam? immerhin wurde erreicht das die bewusste Seite
angeguckt wurde.
als Listenadmin bekoam ich grad den folgenden Bounce. (Adressen
geschwaerzt to protect the guilty.)
Your mail with the subject: Apachelog: Seltsame Referer to:
<XXXXXXXXX.XXXXXXX at XXXXX.de> has been blocked by a content filter due
the inclusion of the word(s) P e n i s. We regret if this has caused
you any inconvenience. For assistance in resolving this please contact
us at mail.filter at XXXXX.com
Cord Beermann cord at Wunder-Nett.org (Privat)
Musikkenner gesucht: http://soundcheck.cord.de/
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