USB-CardReader von 4MBO (PLUS)
Siegfried Peter
lug at
Mon Mar 3 19:21:01 CET 2003
Hallo Liste,
im Anhang findest ihr eine Datei, die auf der Mini-CD zum vorigen Modell
(möglicherweise das Gleiche) des im Plus verkauften USB-CardReaders zu
finden ist.
Kann dies leider nicht testen, da an meinen Linuxrechner der USB-Port
physikalisch defekt ist.
Siegfried Peter
-------------- next part --------------
> The test I carried out is very simple at this stage. First, the kernel
> need to be compiled with the following features:
> Loadable module support
> SCSI support
> SCSI disk support
> Probe all LUNs on each SCSI device
> DOS FAT fs support
> VFAT fs support
> Support for USB and the controller
> USB Mass Storage support (as a module)
> Once the kernel is compiled and machine is rebooted with the new
> kernel, insert the mass-storage class driver module by "/sbin/modprobe
> usb-storage". Then the reader can be plugged into a usb port and
> recognized by the kernel.
> The memory cards are seen as SCSI devices and they can be mounted by
> "mount /dev/sdx1 your_mount_point", where x can be a, b, c or d, depending
> on the type of the memory card (a: CF, b: MS, c: MMC/SD, d:SM).
> What I've done to test the reader is to copy jpg files of several
> hundred KB and a MP3 file of more than 10 MB. After writing, I will
> unmount the card to clear the cache in the system. Then I will mount it
> again and replay the MP3 and view the jpg files to check with errors.
> Hope this can answer your question. Thanks.
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