RFC fuer Re: vs. AW:
Jan-Benedict Glaw
jbglaw at lug-owl.de
Tue Aug 10 15:20:26 CEST 2004
On Tue, 2004-08-10 15:15:08 +0200, Carola Kummert <carola.kummert at uni-bielefeld.de>
wrote in message <1092143708.16070.18.camel at ronja>:
> nachdem mir Google irgendwie nix vernuenftiges zum Thema geben will und
> ich auch keinen Nerv habe, wirklich bis zum 359.284sten Treffer graben
> mag; vielleicht weisz einer von euch, wie der korrekte RFC heiszt, der
> sich ueber "Re:", "Fw:" etc auslaesst?
RFC2822, 3.6.5 Informational Fields:
The "Subject:" field is the most
common and contains a short string identifying the topic of the
message. When used in a reply, the field body MAY start with the
string "Re: " (from the Latin "res", in the matter of) followed by
the contents of the "Subject:" field body of the original message.
If this is done, only one instance of the literal string "Re: " ought
to be used since use of other strings or more than one instance can
lead to undesirable consequences.
Jan-Benedict Glaw jbglaw at lug-owl.de . +49-172-7608481 _ O _
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