Wireless Karte mit Cirrus PD6729 Bridge
Jan-Benedict Glaw
jbglaw at lug-owl.de
Tue Jun 8 09:45:16 CEST 2004
On Tue, 2004-06-08 09:22:57 +0200, Dietmar Goldbeck <dietmar.goldbeck at acm.org>
wrote in message <20040608072257.GA15194 at tin-lizzy.bi.devcon.net>:
> Mit Linux 2.4.26 und pcmcia Modulesn 3.2.5 sagt dmesg:
> Linux PCMCIA Card Services 3.2.5
> kernel build: 2.4.26 #1 Mon Jun 7 23:04:05 CEST 2004
> options: [pci]
> Intel ISA/PCI/CardBus PCIC probe:
> Cirrus PD6729 rev 00 PCI-to-PCMCIA at slot 00:0a, port 0x6410
> host opts [0]: [ring] [1/5/0] [1/20/0]
> host opts [1]: [ring] [1/5/0] [1/20/0]
> ISA irqs (default) = 4,7,12 polling interval = 1000 ms
> cs: memory probe 0x0d0000-0x0dffff: clean.
> orinoco.c 0.13e (David Gibson <hermes at gibson.dropbear.id.au> and others)
> orinoco_cs.c 0.13e (David Gibson <hermes at gibson.dropbear.id.au> and others)
> cs: IO port probe 0x0100-0x04ff: excluding 0x190-0x197 0x398-0x39f 0x3c0-0x3df 0x470-0x477 0x4d0-0x4d7
> cs: IO port probe 0x0800-0x08ff: excluding 0x800-0x827 0x870-0x877
> cs: IO port probe 0x0a00-0x0aff: clean.
> cs: IO port probe 0x0c00-0x0cff: excluding 0xc00-0xc07 0xc40-0xc47 0xc50-0xc77 0xc80-0xc87 0xc98-0xc9f 0xcc8-0xcd7
> eth1: Station identity 001f:0000:0000:0008
> eth1: Looks like an Intersil firmware version 0.8.0
> eth1: Ad-hoc demo mode supported
> eth1: IEEE standard IBSS ad-hoc mode supported
> eth1: WEP supported, 104-bit key
> eth1: MAC address 00:02:78:E0:C7:2B
> eth1: Station name "Prism I"
> eth1: ready
> eth1: index 0x01: Vcc 3.3, io 0x0100-0x013f
> eth1: Error -110 setting multicast list.
> eth1: Error -110 setting multicast list.
Also, das orinoco-Modul fühlt(e) sich zuständig. Zwischenzeitlich war
das IIRC mal nach hermes umbenannt worden, aber ich mag mich irren:)
Jan-Benedict Glaw jbglaw at lug-owl.de . +49-172-7608481
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