Forwarding Problem mit IPCop 1.3 - Lösung gefunden?

Stefan Ulrich Hegner stefan at
Fri Dec 12 10:06:44 CET 2003

Hallo Tobias,

Am Don, den 11.12.2003 schrieb Tobias Link um 15:11:
> ich habe in einer Mailingliste eine Mail von Dir gefunden, die genau ein 
> Problem beschreibt, das ein Kunde von uns hat.
> Hast Du eine Lösung für das Problem gefunden?
> Kannst Du mir bei Gelegenheit mal einen Tipp geben? Würde mir sehr helfen...

Jau. Allerdings kam die Lösung direkt über die IPCOP Liste, wo ich das
auch gepostet hatte - entscheidend ist der erste Satz:

Are you trying this from a machine on the green network by chance? That 
wont work.

From a system on the outside, what happens if you try:

telnet my.ipcop.ip  22022

You should get the openssh banner back.

FWIW, Im doing this on my IPcop, so it does work. Something else much be

That would be my guess. You're trying to do it from another machine on 
your internal network. Have you tried doing it to the internal IP 
address from inside to make sure that the machine you're trying to ssh 
to is actually working?

Have you made sure that you forwarded port 22022 from IPCop to port 22 
(or whatever) on the remote box, and not to 22022 as well?

I changed IPCop to run SSH on 22 (instead of the default 222) and then 
forwarded 222 to 22 on my other linux box so I can ssh to it as well. 
Everything works fine. I don't know what your problem is.



/ Stefan Ulrich Hegner aka "Hegi" - Loehne/ Westfalen - Germany \
| stefan at, my Cyberhome|
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